Welcome to the cyber fashion mall. Enjoy online shopping at our specialty stores for men, women and children. At Fox Hills Mall you'll find stylish and practical fashion at competitive prices. we're alway expanding, so keep checking back for new stores and informative articles.
Women's Fashion: A Splash of Color
Color coordinating your wardrobe can be daunting for some people however it doesn't have to be. Learning what colors go together is rather easy and can be fun. You can be daring with your colors or you can be conservative it's all about taste. The one thing you do not want to do is put together an outfit that has too many colors.
Obviously, black and white goes with every other color on the color chart so you should always have something black and white in your wardrobe. The same colors but different hues go together as well such as different shades of blue or green. However, when it comes to wearing the same color of different shades you can do much better than that.
Get colorful and creative. Most retail stores have color charts that they pass out as to which color goes best with another. Look at magazine photographs and go online and look at the fashion websites as to what the models are wearing. If you have a skirt that has multiple colors in it you want to pair it with a solid color top and then accessorize with a beaded necklace that matches another color in your skirt.
Another important fact you have to consider in choosing colors and being color coordinated is your skin tone. Are you a winter, summer, spring or fall? The basic rule is if you are blonde you are a spring or summer; brunette you are a winter or fall; red head you are a fall. It is important to match your wardrobe colors to your skin color.
If you are a red head and have fair skin, you do not want to wear yellows or oranges. See where I am heading here? Although you want to have color in your wardrobe you do not want to look like a clown.
Subtle colors and a bright necklace to match as well as bright colors and subtle necklace make a smart combination. If your clothes are not popping make them pop with your accessories. A multi colored skirt with a lot of purple would look great with a different colored purple blouse and a jacket of black or cream color. You do not necessarily want to dress all in the same color and end up looking like a giant plumb with legs.
Men's Fashion: Dresing With Style
Dressing with style should be every man's goal. The way you dress speaks volumes about you. Most people form an opinion about a person based on the first impression. This factor has a lot to do with your clothes.
There are a few basics and a level of ingenuity that is needed to achieve a dazzling look. Portraying a poor image should not be an option. A touch of pizzazz will change your life. A few simple things can help you develop an image that is strong, authoritative and confident that matches your personality and life style.
You should have a pair of comfortable shoes for activities such as exercising, casual sneakers which are good for versatility, and a pair of black and brown dress boots. Socks are also equally as important hence stock your wardrobe with socks that will match the rest of your ensemble.
Pants are an integral part of your wardrobe. Baggy jeans make someone look sloppy. Ultra tight and super light colored jeans should also be avoided. The ideal dress pants should sit well at your waist rather than your hips. It should fall just right. The leg cuff should stop just at the point where the sole of the shoe starts.
Shopping for belts is simple. Color and material are the two elements that you have to focus on. You should have a black leather belt which is plain and a plain brown leather belt. Plus you should own a fabric belt to be worn with casual pants such as blue jeans or khakis.
Buying shirts is not as easy because it depends on a person's taste. However, you can't go wrong with well fitting button up dress shirts. Also Polo's are a good option. They look good in any color. Use white t-shirts as undershirts. Pullover hooded shirts are also nice additions to your wardrobe. Buy several t-shirts that are in different colors with varied graphics and designs.
The recommended sweater colors are black, grey, green, brown and blue. Plain sweaters look better. All men should have a dark blazer/suit jacket. Black is one of the best colors that you cannot go wrong with. Suits are more complicated. Buying suits requires that you factor in several things such as your body. A good suit should fit you well. The material used to make it is also immensely important. Ties should complement your suit.
Children's Fashion: Cool, Stylish & Funky
Kids fashion can be a touchy subject for some, but when done right it helps children learn how to plan and coordinate outfits. This is one of those life skills that can come in handy in all sorts of situations, so it's important to be aware of and plan for various styles and scenarios. That way, when they're adults, they'll know how to dress. Whether they choose to dress appropriately is out of your hand at that point, though.
When it comes to cool fashions, brands and trends change with the times. What you're parents wore as kids might not have been too different from what you're kids wear, but the brands and styles probably have changed.
Subscription clothing companies, offers cool brands and outfits. The subscription format is handy because you can update sizes as the kids grow. They focus on more natural colors, which means not only a cool look, but a look that transcends fashion fads. You're kids will outgrow the clothes before the trends change. As for the actual clothes, with kids, shirts, jeans, and sunglasses are the basic foundation. Hats are optional, mostly because kids tend to lose stuff.
The difference between stylish and cool is often a matter of taste. Think of cool as casual, and stylish as more formal. Whereas jeans, a sports jacket, and sunglasses are cool, sturdy khakis and a trendy shirt are stylish. Stylish can be casual too; shorts and brand name sunglasses exist, after all.
With kids, it can depend on the trends and brands as much as the clothes themselves. In cooler weather, a trendy jacket that compliments your child's hair color can work well, too. Kids have less to work with when it comes to styling, but it's basic foundation stuff that will carry over to adulthood preparation.
For kids, funky usually means colorful, bright patterns and styles can pull the funky look off quite well. Kooky hats and sunglasses can help. Just make sure they understand funky is super casual. Also, while a tie-dye shirt is fine, please do not inflict the horrors of 1970's fashion upon the children of the twenty-first millennium. They are suffering enough.
Whether a neon-hued skirt with bright socks and shoes, or some brightly colored pants and a patterned shirt, funky is defined more by personal style than the clothes. That means if you want something to be funky, you make it funky. The '70's taught us that much, at least.
Some might be wary about worrying about kid's fashion. The average kid won't care about current fashion trends. They should, however, learn to dress themselves in a variety of styles for various occasions. On top of that, kids can be very sensitive and perceptive.
Having them dress themselves in cool, stylish, or funky looks that their peers will appreciate is a great confidence boost. No one likes dealing with peer pressure and criticism, and young kids are just starting to learn all that. Help them learn it positively so they can teach their kids such important lessons, too.
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