
Welcome to Fox Hills Mall. Online shopping has never been easery. You'll find a nice selection of Tee-Shirts for women, men and children at excellent prices. Note: Fox Hills Mall gets commission for purchases made through links in this post.

Fun With An Old Tee-Shirt

Does it pain you to see your old rock concert t-shirts stored away in a box or drawer somewhere? If you've either grown out of these treasures or just have no suitable time to wear them there are plenty of ways to breathe new life into an old t-shirt. You're faded old clothes may be just that to someone else, but they're memories to you. Just like a photo album, or family portrait you should put those memories on display!

Whether it a bit too holey or just doesn't fit anymore you're bound to find a clever thing to do with your old t-shirts here. I've compiled a list of the top things to do with your old rock concert t-shirts, so whether your crafty or not you'll be able to figure out something better than keeping them in that dark closet!

• Use it as a pillow case. Old and worn t-shirts are right up there with Egyptian cotton in my book! Display your favorite band t-shirts right on your bed; just slip the t-shirt over a regular sized pillow and viola. What better place for your Stones t-shirt is there? It also adds a very unique quality to the decor of your abode. Let me tell you, none of your friends will have Led Zeppelin bedding from Target!

• Frame it! Turn your house into a Hard Rock Cafe with a collection of framed t-shirts on your wall. It really doesn't matter what kind of shape they're in. If they're torn, stained or ripped, it can only add to the "rock and roll" appeal of it. It will certainly make for a great conversation piece too.

• Turn it into a purse. If you're handy with a sewing machine there's nothing cooler than turning something old into something new. You could purchase a canvas bag to stitch the t-shirt onto or start from scratch and make it a creation all your own. If you're really handy with a sewing machine the possibilities are endless, you could even turn it into a onesie for your own little bundle of joy!

• Sell it! If you're t-shirt is cool enough and qualifies as vintage then there's a definite market out there for it. Check e-bay and see how much your item is going for and then decide whether you're ready to part with it or not.

Hey, maybe it's time you bought some new clothes anyway, right? Hold on to it, or pass it on, what ever you want to do. Just get it out of that box! Rock concert t-shirts are memories and a reminder of all the good times you had and will continue to have. Use it as home decor, make it a fashion statement, or sell it to someone out there who's looking to recapture their glory days. The possibilities are endless with an old t-shirt.

The History of T-Shirts

T-Shirts are a widespread part of fashion and everyday clothing, but that wasn't always the case. It took time for the now commonplace article of clothing to not only become so widespread, but also a major component of marketing brands and campaigns.

The Orgians

The first T-Shirts were actually just cut up jumpsuits. Back in the nineteenth century, people wore a lot more clothes, and those layers could get hot. Laborers working in warm weather or hot environments tended to cut their work clothes shorter so they didn't overheat. As noted here, T-Shirts weren't actually produced as is until the early twentieth century, when they became part of the United States Navy's uniform. The term itself came about in the 1920's, thanks to renowned writer F. Scott Fitzgerald.

At the time, T-Shirts were considered an undergarment, unfit for regular day wear. This changed thanks to Hollywood. In the 1950's A Streetcar Named Desire, Marlon Brando wore a T-Shirt as a shirt. Thanks to him and James Dean in the 1955 movie Rebel Without a Cause, T-Shirts became accepted daywear, though they were still rather plain.

Enter the Dragon Graphic T

Graphic T's got their major start in the 1960's, thanks to whom else but the Mouse. A graphic design company got their hands on a Disney license, and used it to produce shirts with the first iconic Disney characters. From there, the business exploded. Nowadays you can buy a graphic design or slogan shirt of pretty much anything you want. Kiosks in malls are happy to make custom shirts for people, as are larger printing companies.

Slogan T's, incidentally, technically got their start in 1948. Thomas E. Dewey, Republican rival for President Harry S. Truman, created a T-Shirt with the slogan "Do it with Dewey". Shame at the time Mountain Dew was still a regional soda. As with graphics, it took time for slogan shirts to catch on, but they did in the 1970's thanks to the various counter-culture and student resistances to Vietnam, as well as the general discontent at the time.

The Future

T-Shirts have become incredibly common, both for their messages, graphics, and simple comfort. The future, then, is likely more of the same, with a few twists. As previously mentioned, custom graphics and slogans are easier than ever to obtain, making such shirts more affordable and sentimental than before. Further, as noted here, subscription serves have entered the garment game along with every other commodity.

While band shirts and other marketing T-shirts show no signs of going away, they are not the only game in town. Custom shirts for family gatherings, slogan shirts for political campaigns, and small production releases for local shops are all part of T-shirt production. There release may not be as wide as a pack of shirts at the department store, but they can be a lot more fun.

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